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| MsDevin92 (sometimes called MsDevin or simply Devin) is a member of Digibutter who goes by the same moniker on several other websites, including DeviantArt, Fanfiction.net, and Gaia Online.
| | Some emo attention whore who cared more about RPOT than anything else. Thankfully, she disappeared off the face of the Earth in April 2009. |
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| As evidenced by these website memberships, MsDevin92 is a fanartist and writer, and an avid roleplayer. She also enjoys video games, such as Mario and Guild Wars.
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| As evidenced by the above, MsDevin92 has little to no social life off the Interwebs.
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| She is a walking chatterbox and has been described by her friends as a 'walking Wiki for her passions', able to practically recite entire plots, quote dialogue, and describe major charcters of each and every game she has played- and even some she has not.
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| The Mario RPG games have earned a notably special place in her heart. Her favorite villain is Fawful, and her favorite character is Peach.
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| On Digibutter, MsDevin spends most, if not all, of her time on the Role-Play and RTOP forums.
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| As stated before, MsDevin92 is a fanfiction writer.
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| She heard about Digibutter.nerr from the SPM game, as did most people. However, she had no clue it was a real site until she received a Fanfiction review from Mona telling her as such. The rest is HI-TECHNICAAAAAAL history. :3
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| '''As a Character'''
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| MsDevin is a quirky young girl who tends to poke around everywhere and anywhere. She has a bad habit of getting into trouble with the more unpleasant alts, usually getting kidnapped, terrorized, or otherwise tormented.
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| She carries around a laptop bag, with her own little hammerspace in the second compartment. From this fantastical realm of awesomeness, she can pull out all manner of items, mostly Mario-themed.
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| '''Other'''
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| * Does an unhealthy amount of hiding
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| * Favorite color: Purple
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| * Birthday: October 19th; Sign: Libra
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| [[Category:Members]]
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Some emo attention whore who cared more about RPOT than anything else. Thankfully, she disappeared off the face of the Earth in April 2009.