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The famous Khajiit that everyone knows and loves from the amazing [ Elder Scrolls] series. He may not be a Mario character, but everyone likes him just the same. Well, almost everyone, at least.
The famous Khajiit that everyone knows and loves from the amazing [ Elder Scrolls] series. He may not be a Mario character, but everyone likes him just the same. Well, almost everyone, at least.

He is found on top of a giant rock in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. When you talk to him, you can ask him about his opinion on many things. In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, you will randomly find hinm running along one of the main roads, but more often near Leyawiin or Anvil.
He is found on top of a giant rock in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. When you talk to him, you can ask him about his opinion on many things. In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, you will randomly find him running along one of the main roads, but more often near Leyawiin or Anvil.

=== Morrowind Quotes ===
== About the Member ==

The player's chosen topic is included to clear up confusion.
M'aiq is, simply put, Digibutter's official has-been. He never finds the time to contribute to the site, like he would like to, and he only rarely does anything for the community. Part of this is because he just doesn't care about the site like he used to, he has given up hope on most of these things. He still likes to post the occasional good video, and he likes to act like he is still the once-popular membar he once was, back when he would do more than just post. The former shell of a member still frequents the site with very little reason past the fact that he enjoys the company of the few old members that remain

*Greetings! M'aiq knows many things. What is your interest? You seek knowledge. M'aiq has much. Some of it verified by actual facts!
== Relationships ==
*'''Becoming a Lich:''' You wish to become a lich? It's very easy, my friend. Simply find the heart of a lich, combine it with the tongue of a dragon, and cook it with the flesh of a well-ridden horse. This combination is certain to make you undead.
*'''Dragons:''' Dragons? Oh, they're everywhere! You must fly very high to see most of them, though. The ones nearer the ground are very hard to see, being invisible.
Maiq the Liar and TooManyToasters are directly or inderectly associated with fruit.
*'''Emporer Mudcrabs:''' M'aiq sees lots of them in the ocean. M'aiq knows you'll see one too if you swim far enough.
*'''Horses:''' Horses.... Oh, M'aiq loves horses! Especially with good cream sauce."
SilverSoda and Maiq the Liar are searching for the golden ga-*bitchsmacked*
*'''Mounts:''' You would wish to ride upon a beast? There is a way... Go to one of the many silt-strider ports and pay your fee! You wish one for personal use? Bah! Walk if you must; run if you are chased!
*'''Moving Corpses:''' Moving corpses? This sounds frightening to M'aiq. The undead are nothing to be toyed with.
Maiq the Liar and Medikoopa are making a secret...
*'''Multiplayer:''' M'aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! If you must, search for the Argonian Im-Leet, or perhaps the big Nord, Rolf the Uber. They will certainly wish to join you.
*'''Dwarves:''' There is no mystery. M'aiq knows all. The dwarves were here, and now they are not! They were very short folks... Or perhaps they were not. It all depends on your perspective. I'm sure they thought they were about the right height.
Maiq the Liar and Medikoopa are happy valentines!
*'''Naked Liches:''' A horrible thing indeed. If you see one, let M'aiq know. M'aiq wants to make sure to look in the other direction.
*'''Nudity:''' Ahh... The beauty of the naked form. These Dunmer are rather prudish, are they not? Of course, there is an island you can reach filled with wonderful, naked, glistening bodies. It only appears when the moons are full, the rain falls, the seas run red, and it's M'aiq's birthday.
TooManyToasters and Maiq the Liar are BALLLLLIN'
*'''Rope Climbing:''' Climbing ropes that hang is too difficult. M'aiq prefers to climb the ones that are tied horizontally.
*'''Shrine of Boethiah:''' You seek the shrine that is no longer there? An interesting concept. Look to the seas to the West. There lies what was once the shrine. Take a deep breath and begin your search.
Paper Luigi and Maiq the Liar are friends.
*'''Talking Mudcrab Merchant:''' M'aiq has heard of this. They've got all the money. Mudcrabs taking over everything. They already run Pelagiad.
*'''Weresharks:''' I have only met one, but he was afraid of the water.

=== Oblivion Quotes ===
Maiq the Liar and TooManyToasters are part DIABEETUS!

In Oblivion, the only topic available is "Rumors", unlike in Morrowind.
Maiq the Liar and Larry Koopa are 1337 Elites in a Wort Wort Worthog

*M'aiq knows much, tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not.
Maiq the Liar and Popple are tricky little buggers
*M'aiq longs for a Colovian Fur Helm. Practical, yet stylish. M'aiq is very sad he does not have one.
*M'aiq wishes he had a stick made out of fishies to give to you. Sadly, he does not.
*M'aiq believes the children are our future. But he doesn't want them ruining all of our fun.
*M'aiq thinks his people are beautiful. The Argonian people are beautiful as well. They look better than ever before.
*Some people wish to throw their weapons. That seems foolish to M'aiq. If you hold your weapon, you only need one.
*Some people want special bows that take too long to load and need special arrows called bolts. M'aiq thinks they are idiots.
*Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping.
*M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk.
*People always enjoy a good fable. M'aiq has yet to find one, though. Perhaps one day.
*So much easier to get around these days. Not like the old days. Too much walking. Of course, nothing stops M'aiq from walking when he wants.
*M'aiq is glad he has a compass. Makes it easy to find things. Much better than wandering around like a fool.
*Why would one want to swing a staff? A mace hurts more. Or a sword. Can't shoot a fireball from a sword, though.
*I do not wish to fight on horseback. It is a good way to ruin a perfectly good horse... which is, to say, a perfectly good dinner.
*Levitation is for fools. Why would we want to levitate? Once you are up high, there is nowhere to go but down.
*It is good the people wear clothing. M'aiq wears clothing. Who would want to see M'aiq naked? Sick, sick people. Very sad.
*I don't know why one would want to destroy a building. It takes time to make it. Much time.
*I have seen dragons. Perhaps you will see a dragon. I won't say where I saw one. Perhaps I did not.
*Werewolves? Where? Wolves? Men that are wolves? Many wolves. Everywhere. Many men. That is enough for M'aiq.

== Relationships ==
Maiq the Liar and Piccolo the Pixl are the masters of Darkness

Hario and Maiq the Liar are hiding something...
Maiq the Liar and Mona are dancing with mudkipz

That's all right now, and he only sent one because Maiq complained about having none.
Birdo and Maiq the Liar are hiding something...

== Services ==
== Services ==

*Maiq the Liar provides people with free party avatars before every [[Maiq the Liar's Party Avatars|Digibutter Party]].
*Maiq the Liar provides people with free party avatars before every [[Maiq the Liar's Party Avatars|Digibutter Party]].
*Maiq's shop is one of the leading providers in one-use weaponry.
*For a time, Maiq sold spriting services. after a month of having it available for 1 coin per sprite, and having only 3 customers, he terminated the service.
*For a time, Maiq sold spriting services. after a month of having it available for 1 coin per sprite, and having only 3 customers, he terminated the service.
*Maiq occasionally starts trends.

== Shop ==
== Shop ==

[ Haskill's Super Happy Fun Shop]
[ I don't care enough to remember what I named it]

This shop sells many weapons taken from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. All items in the shop are hand sprited by yours truly.
A ghost town. Zero business with no potential for coming back to glory until the Collectble system is revived.

== Competition ==
== Competition ==
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These are the contests/Star Carnival games Maiq currently runs.
These are the contests/Star Carnival games Maiq currently runs.

=== [ Castlevania: Symphony of the Night CHALLENGE] ===
=== None ===
==== Rules ====
*Not allowed to use Knife or Axe sub weapons.
**These are easily the most effective sub weapons in the game.
*Not allowed to equip shields.
**Shields can block most projectiles, and add decent DEF.
*Not allowed to equip cheap weapons.
**Alot of weapons attack very fast, or have massive power.
*Not allowed to equip headgear except Holy Glasses.
**Headgear provides great resistances almost required for some bosses. Holy Glasses are essential to reaching the second half of the game.
*Not allowed to equip accessories except Gold/Silver rings.
**Easy stat boosters banned. The Gold/Silver rings add nothing, but allow you to get the Holy Glasses.
*Allowed to equip any armor except Walk Armor, Diamond Plate, and anything superior to the Diamond Plate.
**All the best armor is restricted.
*Allowed to wear any cloak that gives 1-2 DEF.
**The best cloak I can wear is the Crystal Cloak, which you get early in the game.
**This includes Galamoth the 500 foot tall demon.
*Not allowed to cast 'Hellfire', 'Summon Spirit', 'Tetra Spirit' or 'Soul Steal'.
**Only method of healing is savepoints and Dark Metamorphasis.
*Not allowed to use Summon Cards.
**Summons are very helpful in the game.
==== Betting Info ====
Maiq wants you to bet where you think he will die first(There will be a 5 level grace period at the start of the game).
If Maiq dies while facing a boss(which is most likely) then everyone who bet on that boss gets the jackpot split between them. You can only place bets on up to 5 categories, with 5 coins per category.
Betting ends Sept. 8th, Maiq's birthday. Starting from that day, two more coins are added to the jackpot for each day that passes.
'''Total jackpot: 58 coins.'''
=== M'aiq Off ===
To determine the best of the Liars, Maiq is holding a contest between the look, sound, and sayings of M'aiq the Liar from Morrowind and M'aiq the Liar from Oblivion.
==== Quotes for Round 2 ====
===== Morrowind =====
None yet.
===== Oblivion =====
*Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping.
==== Quotes for Round 3 ====

Not started yet.
Check back when there are decent reasons to host a tournament.
==== Losing Quotes ====
===== Morrowind =====
None yet.
===== Oblivion =====
People always enjoy a good fable. M'aiq has yet to find one, though. Perhaps one day.
==== Visual Competition Results ====
None yet.

== Trends ==
== Trends ==

*Maiq's party avatars, a customary service where a person's avatar is given a funny smile and googly eyes while spinning, was not planned to be popular. People liked Maiq's avatar and requested them.
*M'aiq's party avatars, a customary service where a person's avatar is given a funny smile and googly eyes while spinning, was not planned to be popular. People liked Maiq's avatar and requested them.
*The "it sank" trend started when Maiq posted a picture of a sinking boat with the words "ALL ABOARD THE FAILBOAT" in a thread. Mama Luigi responded with "it sank" and the rest is history.(If Maiq is incorrect, and it started before this, please inform him)
*The "it sank" trend started when M'aiq posted a picture of a sinking boat with the words "ALL ABOARD THE FAILBOAT" in a thread. Mama Luigi responded with "it sank" and the rest is history.(If M'aiq is incorrect, and it started before this, please inform him)
*There are a few occasions where Maiq started off "ATTN: Piccolo the Pixl" fads.
*There are a few occasions where M'aiq started off "ATTN: Name" fads.
*M'aiq is credited with creating the Francis smiley that is now commonly referred to as "franis"

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==

*Maiq is very talkative and silly online, while he is a very silent, shy person in real life.
*Maiq is very talkative and silly online, while he is a very silent, shy person in real life.
*Maiq has suffered through alot of emotional drama throughout the last 5 years of his life.
*Maiq has suffered through alot of emotional drama throughout the last 6 years of his life. Thankfully, someone saved him from his torment almost a year ago.
*Maiq knows much, tells some.
*Maiq knows much, tells some.
*Maiq knows many things others do not.
*Maiq knows many things others do not.
*Maiq's original party avatars had an inverted strobe effect, and had faster animations. This stopped after it gave crazy Cody a seizure, however.
*Maiq's original party avatars had an inverted strobe effect, and had faster animations. This stopped after it gave Crazy Cody a seizure, however.
*Maiq feels a strange attatchment to a few members on Digibutter.
*Maiq feels a strange attatchment to a few members on Digibutter.
*When Maiq makes a friend online, he treats it the same way as if it were a real life friend.
*When Maiq makes a friend online, he treats it the same way as if it were a real life friend.
*Maiq occasionally makes YouTube Poops.
*Maiq rarely makes YTPs and random videos.
*Maiq still feels indebted to Piccolo for helping create "[ The Triforce of Die Must DIE!]", which is his personal favorite YTP.

== Ballistic Tiger ==
== Ballistic Tiger ==
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     - I lol'd. ~Pure
     - I lol'd. ~Pure
-M'Aiq wins the intarwebz. He are one of the most epic members of everness. ~Plastic
-Lol ~Vdo (inurpage sharinpalsdicksbox)

Latest revision as of 22:48, 18 April 2009

Maiq the Liar

Maiq the Liar

The famous Khajiit that everyone knows and loves from the amazing Elder Scrolls series. He may not be a Mario character, but everyone likes him just the same. Well, almost everyone, at least.

He is found on top of a giant rock in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. When you talk to him, you can ask him about his opinion on many things. In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, you will randomly find him running along one of the main roads, but more often near Leyawiin or Anvil.

About the Member

M'aiq is, simply put, Digibutter's official has-been. He never finds the time to contribute to the site, like he would like to, and he only rarely does anything for the community. Part of this is because he just doesn't care about the site like he used to, he has given up hope on most of these things. He still likes to post the occasional good video, and he likes to act like he is still the once-popular membar he once was, back when he would do more than just post. The former shell of a member still frequents the site with very little reason past the fact that he enjoys the company of the few old members that remain


Maiq the Liar and TooManyToasters are directly or inderectly associated with fruit.

SilverSoda and Maiq the Liar are searching for the golden ga-*bitchsmacked*

Maiq the Liar and Medikoopa are making a secret...

Maiq the Liar and Medikoopa are happy valentines!

TooManyToasters and Maiq the Liar are BALLLLLIN'

Paper Luigi and Maiq the Liar are friends.

Maiq the Liar and TooManyToasters are part DIABEETUS!

Maiq the Liar and Larry Koopa are 1337 Elites in a Wort Wort Worthog

Maiq the Liar and Popple are tricky little buggers

Maiq the Liar and Piccolo the Pixl are the masters of Darkness

Maiq the Liar and Mona are dancing with mudkipz

Birdo and Maiq the Liar are hiding something...


  • Maiq the Liar provides people with free party avatars before every Digibutter Party.
  • For a time, Maiq sold spriting services. after a month of having it available for 1 coin per sprite, and having only 3 customers, he terminated the service.


I don't care enough to remember what I named it

A ghost town. Zero business with no potential for coming back to glory until the Collectble system is revived.


These are the contests/Star Carnival games Maiq currently runs.


Check back when there are decent reasons to host a tournament.


  • M'aiq's party avatars, a customary service where a person's avatar is given a funny smile and googly eyes while spinning, was not planned to be popular. People liked Maiq's avatar and requested them.
  • The "it sank" trend started when M'aiq posted a picture of a sinking boat with the words "ALL ABOARD THE FAILBOAT" in a thread. Mama Luigi responded with "it sank" and the rest is history.(If M'aiq is incorrect, and it started before this, please inform him)
  • There are a few occasions where M'aiq started off "ATTN: Name" fads.
  • M'aiq is credited with creating the Francis smiley that is now commonly referred to as "franis"


  • Maiq is very talkative and silly online, while he is a very silent, shy person in real life.
  • Maiq has suffered through alot of emotional drama throughout the last 6 years of his life. Thankfully, someone saved him from his torment almost a year ago.
  • Maiq knows much, tells some.
  • Maiq knows many things others do not.
  • Maiq's original party avatars had an inverted strobe effect, and had faster animations. This stopped after it gave Crazy Cody a seizure, however.
  • Maiq feels a strange attatchment to a few members on Digibutter.
  • When Maiq makes a friend online, he treats it the same way as if it were a real life friend.
  • Maiq rarely makes YTPs and random videos.

Ballistic Tiger


   - I lol'd. ~Pure
-M'Aiq wins the intarwebz. He are one of the most epic members of everness. ~Plastic

-Lol ~Vdo (inurpage sharinpalsdicksbox)