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m TotalSpaceshipGuy3 moved to Moi: Name change.
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Revision as of 20:09, 1 November 2008

"In Barcelona, many Spaniards are upset that their national pastime, the Running of the Bulls, is being replaced by the more wildly popular sport, Snap a Bull in his Beanbag with a Rubber Band and Run Like Freaking Hell." --TotalSpaceshipGuy3 reporting international news

Personal Stuffings

  • Name: Mitchell
  • Age: 14
  • Living in: Canada


TotalSpaceshipGuy3 joined Digibutter.nerr on April 30, 2007, making him the 82nd member of Digibutter.nerr. Since then, he has amassed over 15000 posts, and has been appointed to moderator status, along with Francine, Popple, Chaos Dimentio, Plastic Mario and Mister I. However, he gave up this status on November 12th.

Being a fanatic of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney series, TotalSpaceshipGuy3 has undergone several name changes.

  • On July 12, 2007, TotalSpaceshipGuy3 became Miles Edgeworth.
  • On August 3, 2007, Miles Edgeworth became Franziska von Karma.
  • On August 18, 2007, Franziska von Karma changed his avatar and sig to imply change to Kyouya Garyuu.
  • On August 22, 2007, Franziska von Karma changed his avatar and sig to imply change to Winston Payne.
  • On the same day, Franziska von Karma changed his avatar and sig to imply change to TotalSpaceshipGuy3.
  • On August 25, 2007, Franziska von Karma changed his name back to TotalSpaceshipGuy3.


  • MALAK and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are making you GTF away from Mikuru by stabbing you :)
  • Small Sammer Guy and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are hating Vampires.
  • Kii and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are making SEEKRIT OMELETS.
  • TotalSpaceshipGuy3 and Parabuzzy Queen are madly in love with each other!
  • CBLuigi and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are the first to use a Cupid-Arrow!
  • Francine and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are spelled without the letter "B".
  • Strong Bad and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are torturing Strong Sad.
  • MsDevin92 and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are friends.
  • TotalSpaceshipGuy3 and MsDevin92 are awesomeful friends!
  • Chaos Dimentio and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are made of pure, unadulterated WIN.
  • TotalSpaceshipGuy3 and Parabuzzy Queen are WANTING TO HUG GODOT! D:
  • TotalSpaceshipGuy3 and CBLuigi are constructing additional pylons.
  • Maya Fey and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are not foolish fools



  • My other best friend from Digibutter, and a great guy to talk to. We've been great friends ever since I got AIM. Best thing in common... uhh... we're both fans of... s...quirrels? Yeah. Squirrels. MOVING ON!

Maya Fey

  • A pretty good guy, and a joy to talk to. Best thing in common, hmm... I wanna say a love for the Ace Attorney series, but we all know that's not it.

Pretty Much Everyone Else

  • Pretty much, yeah.

His Current Situation

TotalSpaceshipGuy3 is currently playing Rock Band, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and


  • His favorite scent is a tie between black licorice and roses.
  • His birthsign is Libra, his birthstone is sapphire, his birthflower is the morning glory/aster.
