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MsDevin92 (sometimes called MsDevin or simply Devin) is a member of Digibutter who goes by the same moniker on several other websites, including DeviantArt,, and Gaia Online.
Some emo attention whore who card more about RPOT than anything else. Thankfully, she disappeared off the face of the Earth in April 2009.
As evidenced by these website memberships, MsDevin92 is a fanartist and writer, and an avid roleplayer.  She also enjoys video games, such as Mario and Guild Wars.
As evidenced by the above, MsDevin92 has little to no social life off the Interwebs.
She is a walking chatterbox and has been described by her friends as a 'walking Wiki for her passions', able to practically recite entire plots, quote dialogue, and describe major charcters of each and every game she has played- and even some she has not. 
The Mario RPG games have earned a notably special place in her heart.  Her favorite villain is Fawful, and her favorite character is Peach.
On Digibutter, MsDevin spends most, if not all, of her time on the Role-Play and RTOP forums.
As stated before, MsDevin92 is a fanfiction writer.
She heard about Digibutter.nerr from the SPM game, as did most people.  However, she had no clue it was a real site until she received a Fanfiction review from Mona telling her as such.  The rest is HI-TECHNICAAAAAAL history. :3
'''As a Character'''
MsDevin is a quirky young girl who tends to poke around everywhere and anywhere.  She has a bad habit of getting into trouble with the more unpleasant alts, usually getting kidnapped, terrorized, or otherwise tormented.
She carries around a laptop bag, with her own little hammerspace in the second compartment. From this fantastical realm of awesomeness, she can pull out all manner of items, mostly Mario-themed.
* Does an unhealthy amount of hiding
* Favorite color: Purple
* Birthday: October 19th; Sign: Libra

Revision as of 22:42, 30 December 2010

Some emo attention whore who card more about RPOT than anything else. Thankfully, she disappeared off the face of the Earth in April 2009.