Digibutter Glossary: Difference between revisions
imported>EliteNerr |
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Bork'd: Corrupted version of broke. | Bork'd: Corrupted version of broke. | ||
C- | C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!: Usually posted to disrupt a series or streak of posts. Originates from [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJL0_vVhkhw Killer Instinct] | ||
c'''Old''': Spam term. Basically, "Seen it OVER 9000! times!". | |||
Crag: A censor used by Digibutter. Inspired by the Cragnons in Chapter 5 of Super Paper Mario. | Crag: A censor used by Digibutter. Inspired by the Cragnons in Chapter 5 of Super Paper Mario. |
Revision as of 20:26, 14 March 2008
Here are some of the phrases that are commonly used on Digibutter, and their meanings:
ATTN: A shortened version of attention.
Awesomesauce: Used to describe something extremely awesome.
Bandwidths: Fantasy creatures thought up by Francis. Basically a personification of internet bandwidth, which resembles a Pikmin. It has 2 Tippi resembling wings and a mini-earth replacing the usual leaf/bud/flower.
Ben: A corrupted version of ban. Created by Mama Luigi.
Benned: Past tense of ben.
Bloxxing: Getting killed in the online game, Roblox. Sometimes used in Roblox discussion topics.
Bork'd: Corrupted version of broke.
C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!: Usually posted to disrupt a series or streak of posts. Originates from Killer Instinct
cOld: Spam term. Basically, "Seen it OVER 9000! times!".
Crag: A censor used by Digibutter. Inspired by the Cragnons in Chapter 5 of Super Paper Mario.
Dee Colon: A term that is used to replace the "D:" text emote. Originally created by Chaos Dimentio, with a little help from MALAK.
Epic: Another way of saying awesome.
Epic fail: The exact opposite of Epic Win. Also see It Sank and Phale.
Epic win: Something extremely epic.
FlaviOWNED: Another version of Owned/PWNT used by Cult Flavio, which is usually accompanied by a crapilly-made MSPaint image that shows Flavio PWNing a person that either angered the creator of the image, or has been deemed a Horcrux.
Franis: A Francis smiley created by Maiq the Liar, and then named Franis by Mama Luigi. It is a huge meme on Digibutter.
- For
- The
- Win
Or: F**k The World
GTFO: Get The F**k Out
Glomp: A tackle/hug.
- Grab
- Latch
- On
- Maintain
- Pleasure
Hi-technical: Used to describe something extremely awesome. Originated from Francis of Chapter 3 in Super Paper Mario.
Horcrux: A word that originated from a spoiler from the final Harry Potter book. It is occasionally made fun of by saying "<insert name here> is a Horcrux", and then put in spoiler tags. This is also used by Cult Flavio as another way of calling their enemies.
"I am error.": Used when someone realizes they were just being a complete n00b. When you put just spaces between two Cudge Tags, the resulting image says "IAMERROR!". It is what Fracktail said after Dimentio bork'd him in Super Paper Mario, but it truly originates from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link where a character in the town or Ruto says "I AM ERROR".
It sank: Anything that ended up failing/being ignored. See fad: it sank
ITT: "In this topic..." Used in topic subjects to specify that one should post specific things there. Example: ITT: Post your Favorite Food
IMO: "In my opinion"
Jale: Corrupted version of "jail", originating from Mama Luigi's "ben". Used in franis jale mi plx.
Jaled: Past tense of jale.
Lawl: Another way of saying "lol".
- Laughing
- Out
- Loud.
Lol'd: Past tense of lol.
Lolwut: Used when a person is confused about something. Lord Bowser made Digibutter headlines and a mention in Digibutterwiki History when he used it. See LB said lolwut.
LOLWTF: A more expressive way of saying "Lolwut?"
Necropost: A reply to a topic that is over a month old. This is commonly done by newbies that stumble upon the "Digital Butterflies" forum, due to the fact that the board is deserted, leaving month-old topics on the first page.
Newb2Nerr: Either a user with an unactivated account, or the item Francis uses to activate an account.
n00b: Newbie. If you needed someone to define this, you don't belong on Digibutter.
Nub: A corruption of noob. Usually follows GTFO or STFU, and is usually all caps.
- Oh
- My
- God
OMFGZ: A corrupted version of "OMG/OMFG".
OVER 9000!: Basically, it means any number bigger than 9000. Used as a measure of epicness, and originated from a scene in DBZ in which Vegeta's scouter reads an opponent's power level, which ends up being "OVER 9000!".
pen0r: A misspelling of pe*** that was used by members to bypass the swear filter. The word is currently censored. Meow Mixer posted a picture of a burnt pen0r and got benned.
Phale: Anything that extremely fails. Also see Epic Fail. (alternate spelling: Phail.)
Phaled: Past-tense of Phale.
PIE: A type of pastry that consists of an outer crust and a filling. Commonly blurted out at random, and also used by CBLuigi to "welcome" new members. Said case sensitive.
pr0n: A misspelling of porn that was used by members to bypass the swear filter. The word is currently censored.
RTEM: An acronym for "romance, thrills, emotion, and money", Flavio's favorite things.
- Rolling
- On
- Floor
- Laughing
Shiggy: The nickname of Shigeru Miyamoto, and Francis' Miyamojo alt.
- Shut
- The
- F**k
- Up
Stuttering Peacock: An insult inspired by Flavio of Paper Mario 2. Used by Cult Flavio members, but mainly Flavio himself.
- What
- The
- Cr**
Or What The Crag.
- What
- The
- F**k
- What
- The
- Heck
Used as a cleaner alternative to WTF.
YTP: YouTube Poop.
You lol: A term with no meaning whatsoever that is used randomly to spam a topic. Started by Mama Luigi. Most recently spammed by Mama Mr. L. Not benable.
ZOMG: A corruption of OMG.