Digibutter.nerr.biz is
...well, it's kinda hard to explain. In general, I guess you would call it a Nintendo fan site, but it's also a message board with forums for gaming and other things like art, fan fiction, and a bunch of other random stuff.
In some ways it's also a MMORPG. There's always something new, either added by the members or the admin, Francis. So basically it's a giant playground of awesome that is totally "Hi-technicaaaaaaal!"
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What's new on Digibutter.Nerr Wiki
May 5th, 2021
- April 18, 2015
i farted
- December 9, 2011
- 2 years of activity pass but nobody cared enough to update this wiki and it was completely forgotten by everyone.
- September 9, 2009
- Nerr 1.5 overtakes Nerr 1.0.
- September 8, 2009
- RaveRaze vanquished the villainous Lord Krump
- September 8, 2009
- August 20, 2009
- Sloopy dies. >_>
- April 29, 2009
- March 24, 2009
- Digibutter died, apparently. :| CAN ANYONE HEAR ME
- March 21, 2009
- January 16, 2009
- Digibutter broke and the .nerr sever could not be found. Reasons unknown. Is anyone still alive?
- December 30, 2008
- 12/30/08
- December 20, 2008
- Everyone on this forum should just should commit group suicide
- November 16, 2008
- A fad came. This is not vandalism, LEARN TO UNDERSTAND ANGELA.
- November 11, 2008
- Users discover a glitch allowing them to obtain coins, economy breaks. This also is not vandalism. >_>
- November 8, 2008
- A fad starts, and most people put "Winters" in their name, in honor of Frozenwinters.
- November 5, 2008
- Cid is elected president of Digibutter.
- October 31, 2008
- Halloween starts! Here comes Candle Jac...
- October 13, 2008
- Francis releases user advertisements, and Frozenwinters is made into a mod.
- September 19, 2008
- Pirate Day is celebrated.
- August 31, 2008
- One of Digibutter's most beloved member, Jr. Troopa, claims to be leaving the site for 6-10 years due to personal situations. To this, we salute you Jr.
- August 17, 2008
- Digibutter is raided, and a large porno image was shown, eating the site. Overall the site is dead now.
- August 4, 2008
- A new user, Chaos-Stev-0, caused a fad, and a large number of people followed. Also, on the same day, Shadow Articuno returned.
- June 29, 2008
- On this day, Francis brought back nametags for the first time in months.
- June 20, 2008
- IRL, Lucasx3 is benned for 5 weeks playing vidja games because he didn't brush his teeth before going to the dentist's.
- June 19, 2008
- TSSG3 starts a fad. Anger erupts, and Digibutter dies.
- June 16, 2008
- The Brawl Music Remix contest winner was revealed to be Castle/Fortess (SMW).
- June 11, 2008
- Lucas x3 was benned from digibutter.nerr. A few days later Rawrskey returned.
- June 11, 2008
- Large amounts of drama and flames break out.
- Important Pages
- Wiki Maintenance Pages
- Other
Helping out
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- Not sure where to start?
- Adding content
- Talk and more...
- Check out the community portal to see what the community is working on, to give feedback or just to say hi.