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Beileve it or not Hario came up with this idea. =P He made up all the rules and ranks and I just approved them and changed them up a bit.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful thing called "sloopy". It was a wonderful thing inspired by the crazy shenanigans of Okiyama [[]]. It started out as a small fad that Goron Mask and a few others lived up too, but that would change the day Hario thought up of what would become the biggest fucking thing to hit digibutter since [[it_sank|it sank]]...the International Union of Sloopy.

Well anyways here it is...
== What is sloopy? ==
Sloopy is a fad started by Goron Mask that is revolved around the Mr.Cool smiley and being outrageously random to the point of hilarity. Sloopy was originally appose to be from the youtube video "Hopping a fence with epona"  But Goron Mask at the time couldn't spell worth shit so he spelled sloppy wrong and ended up turning sloopy into a different fad. But how does that explain why the Mr. Cool smiley is involved? Well Goron Mask's facination for trolls inspired him to rip off a posting style simmular to SAGE, and was meant to piss everyone off but instead made it into a good thing. Mr. Cool is often referred to as 8) or sloopy itself according to newfags who tried to be cool.

== The Birth ==
It twas a nice peaceful day all through the air the day the idea Union came into burden, shits and giggles were spread throughout the land of Digibutter, it was a very good time. But as others were doing shit none cares about, Goron Mask was on /b/, he recently started visiting there at the time and so he got a good taste of the "epic lulz" that were contained in there. Hario on the other hand, was writing the first bible entry in the soon to be union. When he finished he suggested the idea to Goron Mask to create a Union topic in Off Topic. In all honesty, Goron Mask didn't even want to make the Union, he wanted to keep his fad small and discrete, he didn't want it to grow into a gigantic forum known fad like past fads of before. But Goron Mask was an extremely nice guy and found it hard to tell others he respected to say "NO". So like a 12 year old pressured into smoking, he gave in and went through with it.

== Rules ==
== The First International Union of Sloopy: Golden age ==
So the topic was made and the rules and such along with the bible entries were posted in a gigantic single post. Goron Mask left the topic alone and logged out for the night, he was hoping it would sink to page 2 and people would just ignore the fact it was made but ironically that didn't at all. The Union topic was booming with activity, many people wanted to join, Goron Mask let them all in(most would become long time supporters of sloopy and some still currently are) The topic reached 5 pages in less than an hour, but the true test was bound to come. Goron Mask left for a day and challenged the members to keep the topic alive intill he got back, the least to say when he returned it was at the top of the page filled with 15 pages of lulz, randomness and all the general things that made sloopy what it was. He knew from there the topic wasn't just gonna die, so he supported it head on with tremendous force.  
1) You must be at least this sloopy to enter.  
2) Rank will be determined by sloopiness. The more sloopy things you do, the more sloopiness you obtain.
3) it sank
4) The "[[Image:Sloopy.gif]]" smiley must be used every hour, on the hour, or you will be forcefully ejected from the IUS with my foot up your ass.
5) penispenispenispenispenis
6) Our lord and savior is Raptor Jesus. To be part of the IUS,  you must accept Raptor Jesus as your lord and savior.
7) See rule #6, but replace "Raptor Jesus" with David Bowie, and "lord" with messiah.
8 ) DO NOT ABUSE THE WORD SLOOPY!!! It brings phail and aids to sloopy and gives it cancer. Anyone caught abusing the word loses extra sloopy points.
9) DON'T SPAM [[Image:Sloopy.gif]]  if this topic gets locked again for [[Image:Sloopy.gif]] spam I'm kicking your asses. D:<

== Sloopy Ranks ==
The topic grew to gigantic levels that have been absent since topics like the original "Hail Bleck" thread. Goron Mask and many members made bible entries for the group. The Bible entries were completely random stories that were hilariously amusing, some of them were even based on current events! The topic however was extremely spammy, the topic was locked once but because of the popularity of the topic and the shitload of pleads the mods received, the topic was reopened. All was well intill one day...the topic disappeared.

0 Points: Unsloopy Person
Nobody knows how exactly the topic disappeared. Some think Francis secretly deleted it because of the bandwidth the topic took up. Others think, a butthurt mod deleted it and was covered up by the other staff members. And Goron Mask himself thought that a recent fad known as the "International union of _____" caused the mods to accidentally delete it. But whatever the case, Goron Mask was upset about it's disappearance. The goron who wished a peaceful death for his union regrets his wishes, he wanted it back...he grew attached to that union. He wanted it back so badly. So he made another topic...
1-10 Points: Torchslug
11-25 Points: Experienced Slooper
26-40 Points: Well-Aquainted Slooper
41-60 Points: Excellent Slooper
61-80 Points: Grand Master Sloopy
81-100 Points: Leever
101-125 Points: Sloopy Soldier
126-150 Points: Quartermaster General Sloopy
151-175 Points: Sloopy Brigader
176-200 Points: Warlord of Sloopy
201-250 Points: Lesser Sloopy Sage
251-300 Points: Elder Sloopy Sage
301+ Points: Invisible Goron

== Members ==
== The 2nd International Union of Sloopy: The great shit wars ==
When the second topic was created Goron Mask was still pretty bumed about the loss of the first topic, he began to lose trust for the moderation team and realized that they were people too who would act in what they believe to be there best interest, even if it means destroying things that meant alot to a large group of people. The topic didn't run as fast as it's predecessor...but it was still a major postcow for Off Topic. At this time some really agitating people joined the union, they claimed to be filled with the spirit of sloopy but in reality they were posers. Almost all of the veteran sloopteers complained about these members and from there Goron Mask realized...if he was going to keep this thing alive, he was going to have to make big decisions, Goron Mask had to lead his Union to prosperity for the best interest of the topic and sloopy itself.

Goron Mask: Invisible Goron
Goron Mask's sudden change in personality shocked the shit out of many people, veterans from the 1st topic grew to admire this new change in pace, while everyone else grew to hate it. Some people began to see sloopy as a media disturbance plaguing the minds of the forum's members and changing the popularity status. At this time, the IUOS started to make some enemies, some of these formidable enemies were Petey Piranha, LX3, Paper Peach, THE MODS, and other fags who didn't want nice things. Raids were held, people were raped, batmobiles were rammed up anuses and a war among social classes was had. There was even a point where the IUOS destroyed the comeback of the "International Union of________" fad. Goron Mask's union was at the top of the food chain in digibutter's hierarchy. It became the mafia of digibutter.nerr, mods couldn't get rid of it, people couldn't stop it. The IUOS became reached a powerful status among the that many feared for a long time.
Hario: Invisible Goron
LudwigVonKoopa: Invisible Goron
YagamiMirror: Invisible Goron
Arson: Invisible Goron
Tyler: Quartermaster General Sloopy
Flavio: Elder Sloopy Sage
s-kill: Torchslug
Dark Paratroopa: Elder Sloopy Sage
MALAK: Invisible Goron
Enigma: Invisible Goron
Elzilcho: Warlord of Sloopy
Flar3 Luigi: Sloopy Brigader
Rasto: Elder Sloopy Sage
Detective Gumhoe: Invisible Goron
Logan: Lesser Sloopy Sage
ShadowArticuno: Sloopy Soldier
Cyper Mario: Warlord of Sloopy
Sandslash: Lesser Sloopy Sage
? Block: Sloopy Soldier
Twytch: Elder Sloopy Sage
Sumakima Josindu: Sloopy Soldier
Fireice: Torchslug
slayer: Excellent Slooper
Slim: Experienced Slooper
Larry Koopa: Torchslug
TMT: Torchslug
Yoshiface12: Unsloopy person
Pfargtl: Leever
C.A.T: Invisible Goron
CBLuigi: Leever

== The Invisible Goron Hideout ==
Goron Mask, was proud of his supporters. He wanted to reward them with something even greater than the IUOS. Goron Mask was going to make a forum, a forum in which him and those he believed to be long time veterans could to things...that the IUOS could never get away with it. Nobody at the time knew what went on at this board, the only people who knew of it's existence were Goron Mask and people got a PM to join there. But for all of those who ARE was pretty much a basic board with a few neat boards. It had a /b/ for some reason, There was a hentai board for a little while intill it was deleted to avoid the site getting V&. And there was another board at the time in which most of the vile things went on in there.

Currently the IGH is still alive today, but the forum is dead as a doornail thanks to people not posting. If you lurk around the Internet abit, you'll find the link to the forum but you can't really see anything at all intill Goron Mask lets you in and he'll only do that if he knows who you exactly are and if you can be trusted.

== The Sloopy Bible: 1-1 ==
== Goron Mask's transformation to Sloopy King Zant, and digibutter's period ==
Things were decent after the shitwars, Goron Mask and the members of the IUOS chilled at the top of there class. Not many things were in there way, not much could go wrong. But little did they know that digibutter would have have it's period very soon and the IUOS would be caught in the middle of the the bloody aids that sprout from digi's vagina. Baaaaaaaaad things were written about the site on an infamous troll site. This caused half of the forum to cut themselves, Goron Mask at the time had his name changed to Sloopy King Zant, he read the articale and sadly agreed with alot of that was written about it. He began to realize some of the sick, disgusting, things about digibutter. Things that would scar his mind set to come...he realized just how pathetic the site was. He still stayed nonetheless though, many raids were planned against the site from tons of directions so many raids were conceived. Digi was getting cockslapped and the more it was slapped the more stricter the site got, eventually the IUOS had a hard time staying alive and not be locked...but the social hierarchy prevailed. SKZ feared the bloody vagina aids that was the members would eventually crack and destroy everything they worked so hard for, so he got made the members be careful about there posts made in the topic. This got old real fast, the veteran members wanted freedom. And so at the IGH, a plan was formed.

And so, his Sloopiness, this "Goron doth invisible to the naked eye", had been poppin' back a few brews. His Sloopiness, as well as his divine sloopy roomates, David Bowie the wise, and Raptor Jesus the powerful, were poppin' some bags of the grass. Below them, underneath their sacred realm, which those who existed at that time knew simple as "Sloopovia", there lain the Earth, which at that time was pretty much just a big ball of water. His Sloopiness, as well as David Bowie and Raptor Jesus, were playing a round of Brawl one day, when a question among their holy discussion was raised; when they got bored, where would they vent their anger at the MACHIIIIIINE? Yey verily, they gazed upon the ball of water that lay below their realm of Sloopovia. It was vacant, without a shred of life within its ocean. They gazed upon it, and they muttered the holy words: "Hell, why not." And so, the three sloopy figures, their asses glowing with holy power, took their most ancient and mystical artifact, the "Lighter of Sloopovia", and respectively, they put it against all their asses at once. On the count of three, they all let out huge farts, and thus, the Earth became what it had become millions of years ago; The methane gas of David Bowie gave the land its shape, while the fart of Raptor Jesus gave the Earth climates and weather. His Sloopiness's fart, containing pure MAGIC and LSD, gave the Earth its many creatures and plantlife, carving volcanos into the crust, spawning rainforests for miles, and thus, the Earth was born.
== Black Death ==
In an attempt to rag up the bloody vagina aids mess of drama and faggotry, SKZ made an operation at the IGH codenamed: Black Death. The original plan was to abuse an exploit in digibutter's system that if you killed a nonactivated member, he/she could post in the Underwhere. The main goal was to seize control of the Underwhere and cause amusement resulting in everybody getting a good laugh, pissing off the mods, and springing back up into good times, but thats not quite exactly what happened. SKZ and everyone else who attended the operation didn't know exactly how to cause amusement from this. So SKZ and everyone else did the only thing they could do. They spammed the shit out of the underwhere. They managed to complete only half of there goal from this but still lulz were had and the goodtimes rolled. But something unexpected happened, something so uncalled for and ridiculous that it caused the end of the IUOS, a traitor. (Not much will be said about this traitor here since that will only make him feel high and mighty and we rather he keep his cuntflap shut to avoid emo blood all over digibutter's carpets.) But anywho, this caused the entire existence of sloopy to crumble like a fallen druglord along with the 2nd IUOS. SKZ then went batshit and taunted the mods and from there he got jailed with the rest of the participators.The modds promised they would bring back the IUOS one day, but looking at sloopy's position currently today, the mods were lieing.

== The Sloopy Bible: 1-2 ==
== The Dark Ages of the once great fad ==
While SKZ and Black Death participators were jailed, SKZ decided to take major risks at the IGH and made it harder to get into. He also planned on also leaving the site and taking sloopy with him...but this of course failed since alot of IUOS members including veterans were still attached to the site. Eventually they all got out of jail snd SKZ began to troll the userbase out of anger and being butthurt over the recent party pooper. He eventually grew out of that phase but he is still quite the troll still today. He also changed back to Goron Mask, which made alot of people happy.


== The Sloopy Bible: 2-1 ==
== Sloopy Today==
Today, sloopy has gained most of it's respect back from the people here at digibutter.nerr. But it is nowhere even fucking close to being as big as it was back when the IUOS was around. Many people also like to consider the IGH a completely separate thing from sloopy, mainly because of the fact nobody can trust the IGH and sloopy on digibutter is monitored. One day it may make a comeback, but intill that day comes...sloopy will just be the remains of a once great empire that was overthrown by betrayal and truancy.
One day in the wonderful land off Sloopovia, everyone was wasted high drunk sloopy, however one was so high wasted drunk sloopy he managed to pull off one of the most sloopiest things ever conceived... Here were his words...
He then proceeded to damage boosts epona over a fence with 1 piece of cheese while taking pictures of a legendary sloopy buttrfly only found in the pacific ocean if you dance like a retard cause the world to spontaneously combust while eating ice cream with one finger and making pie with your mom while only using a rock and a slice of lettuce when cleaning vomit off the floor with goron mask.
It was a day to remember...Oh and it also killed lotsa people due to cancer.
== The Sloopy bible: 2-2 ==
After a while, the sloopovians became bored with earth, and hosted a 9001 year long party involving cows, Brawl, and beer. As it happened, the first humans had children because his sloopiness told them to while he was gone. After that, Adam had a sex change and left to become a whore. Meanwhile, their children had a rivalry. One day the had a 500 month epic battle involving toasters and lotsa spaghetti. At the end, one lived and became king of Bagels and r-ped his mother. Eventually the gods finished their party, and went to see what happened while they left. On their way they saw the new sex changed Adam and therefore crowned her the king of sluts lol.
That sprung an idea. They needed to make the world's first pimp. So, using a condom and a coconut, they made another man who was the lord of pimps.
But then he died.
== Sloopy Bible 3-1 ==
One day, QWERTYASDFGZXCVB was bored. He held a sloopy meeting of every being in the world. He decided to invent three things: Sports, which needed the first sport. So he invented masturbation, and porn. Then he needed a sport fan. So he created lazy people
== Sloopy Bible 3-2 ==
It was a time of sloopy, but this would become an explosion of [[Image:Sloopy.gif]]  when the great Sloopcario was awakened!
A sloopy man approached the area where Sloopcario rested.
"WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER?", Sloopcario booms.
"It is I, the great ASDFGHJKL!"
== Sloopy Bible 4-1 ==
One day in the land of Off Topic there was a failure that walked the land, his name was . planned to make Off Topic into a sh!ttascular ferris wheel of phail. But however...the fellow sloopteers Sandslash, MALAK, Goron Mask and many others led by the legendary Sloopcario stood up to this tyrant of suck and attacked him in full assualt with there sloopyness, [[Image:Sloopy.gif]]'s and farts. was hopeless and died of AIDS and Sandslash's sloopy farts. It was a victory well rewarded.
== Sloopy Bible 4-2 ==
1nce a pond a tiem dere waz dis partay and sumone sed i r gon tuch ur pee pe. oololololoolololol
== Sloopy Bible 5-1 ==
once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away...
There were 3 sloops named Arson, Twytch, and Hario. They were but poor farm boys living on the barren outstreches of sloopovia, otherwise known as Iraqistanovania. These boys sought to find a better life outside of farmwork, and go down the path to enlightenment. Arson found himself to be a great, strong writer, Hario invented the first pinga, and Twytch found his skills in working with Metals, Gears, and many different Solids. With combined efforts, these three founded the very first sloopy church. Arson made many copies of such bible, Twytch made the building, out of many Metals, gears, and solids, and Hario helped spread word, giving many pingas to starving children and teaching the ways of sloopy.
They died in a car accident.
== Sloopy Bible 5-2 ==
Dr. Robotink was bored one day after being beat by Sonic somehow for the 93868683th time and needed something to do so the blue hedgehog didn't show up and ruin it. When he eventually did come up with an idea he spoke the famous line: "Tommorrow I'll invent the PINGAS!" And he did. It became so famous the IUOS allied with it. Later in the year 1969 Robotink opened the "American/Canidian/Mexican/Russian/Japanense college of PINGAS" and went on to make Pingas Dogs and their many recipes and types, Bratwurst Pingases, Polish Masturbation, Scratch (Also known as E-176 Phartegant), Mastubation, and Bikinis. So kids when you see a PINGAS, it came from Robotink.
== Sloopy Bible 6-1 ==
One day, the sloopteers got hungry and dined in underwhere.
== Sloopy Bible 6-2 ==
One day, Larry Koopa was walking his dog and it was attacked by a pokeman and it was super effective. This caused Larry to go emo and to blame Yena for no reason what so ever. People then joined in on it and filled Off Topic with lulz, But then then the lulz grew a vegetable tree that gave everyone AIDS causing the lulz to phail. But however, the Invisible Goron Master grew sick of this faggotery and stuck up for the poor 4 legged yiffer and everyone then began to realize that they were infected with teh AIDS. They then searched for a vaccine and found one in Russia which was orignally in Germany which was stolen from Japan. But eventually everyone was cured and John Freeman was a happy zombie goast. =D
== Sloopy Bible 7-1 ==
One day this awesome cartoon called Super Mario Bros. Z was made by Lord Alvin-Earthworm. It was so [[Image:Sloopy.gif]] that everyone watched it. It got up to Episode 5, but Episode 6 was never made. Fags bugged Lord Earthworm for almost a year for it, but then a guy named smbzkiller came in and bugged him so much that he quit. Then the village of Sloopovia became less sloopy...until Sloopcario killed smbzkiller, in the process killing Lord Earthworm as well.
== Sloopy Bible 7-2 ==
The Invisible Goron Master was bored one day and demanded Raptor Jesus make him DINNAR, Raptor Jesus responded "Only if you seek thine teh sloopy grail". The sloopy son-of-a Goron Mask excepted Raptor Jesus's quest and set out with MALAK, Enigma, CBLuigi, Dark Paratroopa, Hario, Detective Gumshoe and a bunch of other sloopteers. The first stop was Gamealot! The fellow sloopteers took 500 Ilegal U-turns to reach thine sloopy land but they did. Later...Dark Paratroopa became the devil and The sloopy master himself had to pour David Bowie's piss all over him to turn him back to normal. Night fell, and the fellow invisible gorons infiltrated the Goron's fortress only to be confronted by fellow dickface Luigi-Mario. However the real Luigimario A.K.A C.A.T pulled a ak-47 out of his hat and blew him away with a rata-tat-tat. This woke up the Dodongos and caused CBluigi's feet to taste like toast. The fellow sloopteers survived though thanks thanks to Hario turning into Captain Falcon and kicking the dodongo's scaly fire diarehia stained asses. When Morning struck Detective Gumshoe played Dragonforce and Arson smoked a blunt and set out to look for thine grail...
== Sloopy Bible 8-1 ==
Our fellow sloopteers traveled thine land in search of the sloopy grail, they eventually reached a lake. But this was no ordinary lake, this lake was made of pure, delicious, sloopy, LSD tainted Kool-aid, if one were to fall into this lake they would be corrupted by sloopy and go ape shit bananas. Enigma, breaking the 4th wall by listening to everything I just typed right now, jumped into this lake head first only to emerge as the "Fat Albert Asploding Mudkip". With this huge outrageous amount of sloopyness, he made it rain waffles, /b/tards, Sexay lolicon flavored jello, and ShadowArticuno. This in a good sense, made a bridge to help the adventurers cross the lake.
== Sloopy Bible 8-2 ==
At last! The fellow sloopteers finally found teh sloopy Grail! But there was one problem however, The grail was out of bounds. So The Invisible Goron Master had to damage boost with epona, a cherry tree, David Bowie's mother, Sloopy boobwiggle man, and a pear named "Fred". IGM eventually reached this grail and he also got his dinnar. WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA
== Sloopy Bible 9-1 ==
One day in Sloopovia, the invisible Goron masters decided to make some awesome sh!t go down. So they invented a magic kidney. The kidney was made of solid gold, ran on pure MAGIC and farts, and filtered liquids at a rate of 9001 mph/69 kph. It was deemed the magic kidney of pure sloopiness. The Goron elders stewn the magic kidney away in some cold desolate shack in the middle of the artic ring of Sloopivia. Then, 9001 years later, MALAK discovered the shack when he was searching for new ways to spam Kirby's moves in Brawl to piss off more people. He ate the kidney and became SUPER AIDS MALAK, then went on a murderous rampage, shooting piss and blood at all those who have wronged him. The invisible Goron masters were furious, and came down to Earth, and in their mighty vestage, lay down the mightiest, sloopiest smackin' EVAR on SUPER AIDS MALAK, who shit out the kidney in pure pain. David Bowie then consumed the golden vestige of the kidney and got ghonerea. He died from a  related death.
== Sloopy Bible 9-2 ==
One day the sloopteers got bored. Then they had an idea. "Let's invent something that would make another creation," said one. So they invented SuperYoshi, who in turn created the sloopiness called Youtube Poop. In turn, he invented Mario, the enclosed instruction book, Luigi, spaghetti, the bagel, Yoshi, Link, dodongos, the King, dinner, Ganon, die, Robotnik, PINGAS, and Volvic. Mario and Luigi combined to create I'D THINK HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL!, the first YTP ever made.
Then everyone died of AIDS.
== Sloopy bible 10-1 ==
On a dark and stormy day, I walked into an inn accompanied by my usual singing Coyote, Blimpo. The barmaid told me they didn't allow animals, so Blimpo tore out her throat and ate her intestines. After fleeing the police, Blimpo and I changed our names to Chico and Chavez, and went to Guatemala. While in Guatemala, we decided we'd rather be in Canada instead and went there. We met a great deal of Guys, Buddies, and Friends who insisted they weren't. Blimpo, of course, tore out their throats.
After fleeing Canada, Blimpo and I bought a small midwestern farmhouse, and lived together in perfect harmony... UNTIL THE ZOMBIE GOASTS! It turns out the farm was build on a 1964 World's Fair Victim's Cemetery, and they wouldn't stop with their fascination with retro nonsense. After meeting a Snake wearing a bandanna, we fought off the Zombie Goasts and sold the farm to someone who knew what the *crag* to do on a farm. We moved instead to Cuba, secretly starting a Totalitarian Dictatorship, until I lost the country to that damn Castro in a drinking contest. After having our balls handed to us by a man with a beard, we all settled in a little place called SOVIET RUSSIA. After living backwards for many years, we turned our asses back around and came back to the States. After wandering and meeting many interestingly stupid people, we all killed the owner of the farm we sold and went back there to hang with some ZOMBIE GOASTS.
While living on the farm, I discovered a hidden talent - I could memorize the lyrics of every Beastie Boys song ever made... ever. Unfortunately, that got old so Blimpo and I (the Bandanna-Wearing Snake ditching us in Philadelphia) settled yet again in the dumpster behind the Arby's. You know, the one that doesn't suck and doesn't have the waitress with the mustache. God, she's creepy.
Anyway, somehow I inherited a fortune from someone I wasn't related to, bought a computer, and began to fap/visit digibutter. And the rest is history...
== Sloopy Bible 10-2 ==
It was a peaceful day in the fields of sloopivia, birds sang, peasants danced and Sloopcario used his sloopy aura mediation powers to create pr0n in his head to keep him content. He continued this practice for 4766746 hours intill he loudly spoke "F**K it, I'm going to a bar to get hammered!!". He did just that and there he met speedycat. Speedycat and Sloopcario grew an affection for each other and had a child which today is known as "Sloopy Cat".
== Sloopy Bible 11-1 ==
Now, this is a story all about how
My pen0r got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there,
I'll tell you how I became the king of a town called Sloop-Air
In east Goron City born and raised
On Digibutter was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And damage boostin outside of the school
When a couple of mods who were up to no good
Startin' jailing brotherz in my neighborhood
I got in one lil flamewar and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Sloop-Air'
I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said sloopy and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I can say this cab smells like cher
But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Sloop-Air'
I pulled up to the house about 7 or 9
And I yelled at a hippie 'Yo homes this weed is mine!'
I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the king of Sloop-Air!
== Alliances and sh!t like that ==
The Order of PINGAS
The Towel Society
== Other Information ==
== Your Thoughts and the Future==

Revision as of 11:38, 13 December 2008

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful thing called "sloopy". It was a wonderful thing inspired by the crazy shenanigans of Okiyama [[1]]. It started out as a small fad that Goron Mask and a few others lived up too, but that would change the day Hario thought up of what would become the biggest fucking thing to hit digibutter since it sank...the International Union of Sloopy.

What is sloopy?

Sloopy is a fad started by Goron Mask that is revolved around the Mr.Cool smiley and being outrageously random to the point of hilarity. Sloopy was originally appose to be from the youtube video "Hopping a fence with epona" But Goron Mask at the time couldn't spell worth shit so he spelled sloppy wrong and ended up turning sloopy into a different fad. But how does that explain why the Mr. Cool smiley is involved? Well Goron Mask's facination for trolls inspired him to rip off a posting style simmular to SAGE, and was meant to piss everyone off but instead made it into a good thing. Mr. Cool is often referred to as 8) or sloopy itself according to newfags who tried to be cool.

The Birth

It twas a nice peaceful day all through the air the day the idea Union came into burden, shits and giggles were spread throughout the land of Digibutter, it was a very good time. But as others were doing shit none cares about, Goron Mask was on /b/, he recently started visiting there at the time and so he got a good taste of the "epic lulz" that were contained in there. Hario on the other hand, was writing the first bible entry in the soon to be union. When he finished he suggested the idea to Goron Mask to create a Union topic in Off Topic. In all honesty, Goron Mask didn't even want to make the Union, he wanted to keep his fad small and discrete, he didn't want it to grow into a gigantic forum known fad like past fads of before. But Goron Mask was an extremely nice guy and found it hard to tell others he respected to say "NO". So like a 12 year old pressured into smoking, he gave in and went through with it.

The First International Union of Sloopy: Golden age

So the topic was made and the rules and such along with the bible entries were posted in a gigantic single post. Goron Mask left the topic alone and logged out for the night, he was hoping it would sink to page 2 and people would just ignore the fact it was made but ironically that didn't at all. The Union topic was booming with activity, many people wanted to join, Goron Mask let them all in(most would become long time supporters of sloopy and some still currently are) The topic reached 5 pages in less than an hour, but the true test was bound to come. Goron Mask left for a day and challenged the members to keep the topic alive intill he got back, the least to say when he returned it was at the top of the page filled with 15 pages of lulz, randomness and all the general things that made sloopy what it was. He knew from there the topic wasn't just gonna die, so he supported it head on with tremendous force.

The topic grew to gigantic levels that have been absent since topics like the original "Hail Bleck" thread. Goron Mask and many members made bible entries for the group. The Bible entries were completely random stories that were hilariously amusing, some of them were even based on current events! The topic however was extremely spammy, the topic was locked once but because of the popularity of the topic and the shitload of pleads the mods received, the topic was reopened. All was well intill one day...the topic disappeared.

Nobody knows how exactly the topic disappeared. Some think Francis secretly deleted it because of the bandwidth the topic took up. Others think, a butthurt mod deleted it and was covered up by the other staff members. And Goron Mask himself thought that a recent fad known as the "International union of _____" caused the mods to accidentally delete it. But whatever the case, Goron Mask was upset about it's disappearance. The goron who wished a peaceful death for his union regrets his wishes, he wanted it back...he grew attached to that union. He wanted it back so badly. So he made another topic...

The 2nd International Union of Sloopy: The great shit wars

When the second topic was created Goron Mask was still pretty bumed about the loss of the first topic, he began to lose trust for the moderation team and realized that they were people too who would act in what they believe to be there best interest, even if it means destroying things that meant alot to a large group of people. The topic didn't run as fast as it's predecessor...but it was still a major postcow for Off Topic. At this time some really agitating people joined the union, they claimed to be filled with the spirit of sloopy but in reality they were posers. Almost all of the veteran sloopteers complained about these members and from there Goron Mask realized...if he was going to keep this thing alive, he was going to have to make big decisions, Goron Mask had to lead his Union to prosperity for the best interest of the topic and sloopy itself.

Goron Mask's sudden change in personality shocked the shit out of many people, veterans from the 1st topic grew to admire this new change in pace, while everyone else grew to hate it. Some people began to see sloopy as a media disturbance plaguing the minds of the forum's members and changing the popularity status. At this time, the IUOS started to make some enemies, some of these formidable enemies were Petey Piranha, LX3, Paper Peach, THE MODS, and other fags who didn't want nice things. Raids were held, people were raped, batmobiles were rammed up anuses and a war among social classes was had. There was even a point where the IUOS destroyed the comeback of the "International Union of________" fad. Goron Mask's union was at the top of the food chain in digibutter's hierarchy. It became the mafia of digibutter.nerr, mods couldn't get rid of it, people couldn't stop it. The IUOS became reached a powerful status among the that many feared for a long time.

The Invisible Goron Hideout

Goron Mask, was proud of his supporters. He wanted to reward them with something even greater than the IUOS. Goron Mask was going to make a forum, a forum in which him and those he believed to be long time veterans could to things...that the IUOS could never get away with it. Nobody at the time knew what went on at this board, the only people who knew of it's existence were Goron Mask and people got a PM to join there. But for all of those who ARE was pretty much a basic board with a few neat boards. It had a /b/ for some reason, There was a hentai board for a little while intill it was deleted to avoid the site getting V&. And there was another board at the time in which most of the vile things went on in there.

Currently the IGH is still alive today, but the forum is dead as a doornail thanks to people not posting. If you lurk around the Internet abit, you'll find the link to the forum but you can't really see anything at all intill Goron Mask lets you in and he'll only do that if he knows who you exactly are and if you can be trusted.

Goron Mask's transformation to Sloopy King Zant, and digibutter's period

Things were decent after the shitwars, Goron Mask and the members of the IUOS chilled at the top of there class. Not many things were in there way, not much could go wrong. But little did they know that digibutter would have have it's period very soon and the IUOS would be caught in the middle of the the bloody aids that sprout from digi's vagina. Baaaaaaaaad things were written about the site on an infamous troll site. This caused half of the forum to cut themselves, Goron Mask at the time had his name changed to Sloopy King Zant, he read the articale and sadly agreed with alot of that was written about it. He began to realize some of the sick, disgusting, things about digibutter. Things that would scar his mind set to come...he realized just how pathetic the site was. He still stayed nonetheless though, many raids were planned against the site from tons of directions so many raids were conceived. Digi was getting cockslapped and the more it was slapped the more stricter the site got, eventually the IUOS had a hard time staying alive and not be locked...but the social hierarchy prevailed. SKZ feared the bloody vagina aids that was the members would eventually crack and destroy everything they worked so hard for, so he got made the members be careful about there posts made in the topic. This got old real fast, the veteran members wanted freedom. And so at the IGH, a plan was formed.

Black Death

In an attempt to rag up the bloody vagina aids mess of drama and faggotry, SKZ made an operation at the IGH codenamed: Black Death. The original plan was to abuse an exploit in digibutter's system that if you killed a nonactivated member, he/she could post in the Underwhere. The main goal was to seize control of the Underwhere and cause amusement resulting in everybody getting a good laugh, pissing off the mods, and springing back up into good times, but thats not quite exactly what happened. SKZ and everyone else who attended the operation didn't know exactly how to cause amusement from this. So SKZ and everyone else did the only thing they could do. They spammed the shit out of the underwhere. They managed to complete only half of there goal from this but still lulz were had and the goodtimes rolled. But something unexpected happened, something so uncalled for and ridiculous that it caused the end of the IUOS, a traitor. (Not much will be said about this traitor here since that will only make him feel high and mighty and we rather he keep his cuntflap shut to avoid emo blood all over digibutter's carpets.) But anywho, this caused the entire existence of sloopy to crumble like a fallen druglord along with the 2nd IUOS. SKZ then went batshit and taunted the mods and from there he got jailed with the rest of the participators.The modds promised they would bring back the IUOS one day, but looking at sloopy's position currently today, the mods were lieing.

The Dark Ages of the once great fad

While SKZ and Black Death participators were jailed, SKZ decided to take major risks at the IGH and made it harder to get into. He also planned on also leaving the site and taking sloopy with him...but this of course failed since alot of IUOS members including veterans were still attached to the site. Eventually they all got out of jail snd SKZ began to troll the userbase out of anger and being butthurt over the recent party pooper. He eventually grew out of that phase but he is still quite the troll still today. He also changed back to Goron Mask, which made alot of people happy.

Sloopy Today

Today, sloopy has gained most of it's respect back from the people here at digibutter.nerr. But it is nowhere even fucking close to being as big as it was back when the IUOS was around. Many people also like to consider the IGH a completely separate thing from sloopy, mainly because of the fact nobody can trust the IGH and sloopy on digibutter is monitored. One day it may make a comeback, but intill that day comes...sloopy will just be the remains of a once great empire that was overthrown by betrayal and truancy.