"I'm an internet predator" --TotalSpaceshipGuy3 seemingly admitting to his wrongdoings
Personal Stuffings
- Name: Mitchell Couture
- Age: 14
- Living in: 15 Cavalier Dr, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia B4C 3K4
- Phone Number: (902) 865-2745
- Aim: Namratsthestar
- E-mail:
TotalSpaceshipGuy3 joined Digibutter.nerr on April 30, 2007, making him the 82nd member of Digibutter.nerr. Since then, he has amassed over 15000 destroyed hopes and dreams, and has been appointed to Internet Predator status. However, since he fails at life, he didn't choose to seek his dreams of raping a ten year old and instead looked at Japanese hentai porn and roleplayed as one.
Being a fanatic of Child Porn, TotalSpaceshipGuy3 has ruined several lives.
- TotalSpaceshipGuy3 ruined his own reputation several times.
- People still loved him, despite this. It is speculated that they are able to look past his faggotry because they are faggots, themselves.
- He is a well-known predator and has ruined various lives all over the internet.
- In public he refuses to admit to this, but when he's alone at night slitting his wrists he cries out, wishing he had never made those awful mistakes.
He's currently in love with a ten year old from Brazil.
ARE YOU KIDDING? This guy HAS no friends!
People he's probably cyber-fucked
He can pretend all he wants, but everyone knows ever since he allowed underage users to join he's been secretly trying to meet up with several teen and preteen members for sex.
Maya Fey
- He's just a fag that roleplays as a chick, but then tries to write it off by saying the chick is lesbian. It's utterly pathetic and he should die.
Pretty Much Everyone Else
- Pretty much, yeah. Everyone at digibutter is a fag.
His Current Situation
TotalSpaceshipGuy3 is currently sucking cock (mostly his own) in attempts to fill his stomach with enough sperm to impregnate himself, because he doesn't know that pregnancy requires a uterus.
- He is known to e-date several people of both genders at once, and have cyber sex with anyone or anything.
- His shlong, however short it may be, is in his mouth seventy percent of the time. This may simply be because his mouth is so large, that the probability of his tiny, non-circumsized cock randomly flying into it is very high; but it's also possible that he's just a fag.
- He will readily and willingly stroke his genitalia on camera for you, or take a nude picture. This is an issue, because theoretically no living being on earth can look at him, especially nude, for more than fifteen to twenty seconds at a time before they sink into so great of a depression that they die by sheer lack of will to live.
Possible methods of death
There are several ways for this fag to die, but these are by far the most suitable and pleasing.
- Late at night while fapping to child porn as usual, he will fit his un-circumsized penis into his mouth and shoot such a huge steaming load that he'll drown in his own sperm. The cops will arrest his parents, not because of the child porn, but because they spawned such a hideous and idiotic creature. They will be whipped every night until they admit that they were wrong to have ever fornicated.
- Some day while his parents are gone, various people that hate him (probably somewhere around one hundred or so people) will break into his house and tie him down, viciously rape him in the ass, cut off his own testicles and feed them to him. It is likely, however, that he would enjoy this, so this probably won't happen except in his fantasies.
- He'll be caught by the FBI and publicly tried and executed for various wrongdoings and child predations. Naturally his death will be long and painful, up to but certainly not limited to one to two weeks of pain and torture before he finally dies from lack of will to live.
This is what he looks like
TotalSpaceshipGuy3 joined Digibutter.nerr on April 30, 2007, making him the 82nd member of Digibutter.nerr. Since then, he has amassed over 15000 posts, and has been appointed to moderator status, along with Francine, Popple, Chaos Dimentio, Plastic Mario and Mister I. However, he gave up this status on November 12th.
Being a fanatic of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney series, TotalSpaceshipGuy3 has undergone several name changes.
- On July 12, 2007, TotalSpaceshipGuy3 became Miles Edgeworth.
- On August 3, 2007, Miles Edgeworth became Franziska von Karma.
- On August 18, 2007, Franziska von Karma changed his avatar and sig to imply change to Kyouya Garyuu.
- On August 22, 2007, Franziska von Karma changed his avatar and sig to imply change to Winston Payne.
- On the same day, Franziska von Karma changed his avatar and sig to imply change to TotalSpaceshipGuy3.
- On August 25, 2007, Franziska von Karma changed his name back to TotalSpaceshipGuy3.
- MALAK and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are making you GTF away from Mikuru by stabbing you :)
- Small Sammer Guy and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are hating Vampires.
- Kii and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are making SEEKRIT OMELETS.
- TotalSpaceshipGuy3 and Parabuzzy Queen are madly in love with each other!
- CBLuigi and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are the first to use a Cupid-Arrow!
- Francine and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are spelled without the letter "B".
- Strong Bad and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are torturing Strong Sad.
- MsDevin92 and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are friends.
- TotalSpaceshipGuy3 and MsDevin92 are awesomeful friends!
- Chaos Dimentio and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are made of pure, unadulterated WIN.
- TotalSpaceshipGuy3 and Parabuzzy Queen are WANTING TO HUG GODOT! D:
- TotalSpaceshipGuy3 and CBLuigi are constructing additional pylons.
- Maya Fey and TotalSpaceshipGuy3 are not foolish fools
- My other best friend from Digibutter, and a great guy to talk to. We've been great friends ever since I got AIM. Best thing in common... uhh... we're both fans of... s...quirrels? Yeah. Squirrels. MOVING ON!
Maya Fey
- A pretty good guy, and a joy to talk to. Best thing in common, hmm... I wanna say a love for the Ace Attorney series, but we all know that's not it.
Pretty Much Everyone Else
- Pretty much, yeah.
His Current Situation
TotalSpaceshipGuy3 is currently playing Rock Band, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and
- His favorite scent is a tie between black licorice and roses.
- His birthsign is Libra, his birthstone is sapphire, his birthflower is the morning glory/aster.