Small Sammer Guy

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Revision as of 21:50, 12 January 2008 by Im>SpammerGuy
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" FUCKING world Negative One..."

An older member of Digibutter. Joinojspghoprsghed May 13, 2007. He is sometshks'[frimes refered as SSG or B He s;gjhrsfactually retihrasfhred from fightishrfhng and spends his time playinfhgfg video gafghhmes and computers. He mghgfhisses the old times of Digibuvclbmdlf/;btter. SSG left for 3 months but cax'blfs/bme back because he has nothing better to do. He was hlasdojfsp;gappy dggfgto hear that he wassdgsfg missesfhfsd when he resfhshsturned. During the first b,dfxlbmdxDigibutter party, he became veryfgh close to K i i. He offered hjtgjfo dance with herjhgjs because he had a crush sfhfdon her. Sdhdfghince then, they were a coupldghge in Dighdghgibutter only.


  • His real name is actually Negative One but no one knows that...
  • He is now the only surviving Sammer Guy in Digibutter, but not the wiki.

Mama Luigi wrote: There is a major spammer, called Spammerguy, and he is ruining the Wiki. WHY DOESNT ANYBODY BLOCK HIM?!? We need alot more Sysops. D:

Small Sammer Guy wrote

i was wondering who he was. he messed up my page, but I fix'd it.

LOL FUCKED IT UP AGAIN--SpammerGuy 16:50, 12 January 2008 (EST)