User talk:Animemangavg

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Lol bored. So I'm typing this. Have a problem with it? It's the 27th of October, 2008.... Ad I'm at school. :3

I'm planning on how I'm gonna go about the Cedric Plot. I knw what to do, but HOW to... not so much.

Afterwards I dunno what to do. My friends keep getting upset on RPOT, so I don't want to stay there if theya re ignroed. I'm not on Digi much so I cna't post in their topics...

Funny how Occlet said "Less QQ more Pew Pew" when I said how some people are exclusive on RPOT, becuase he is the BIGGEST one that is that. His last, what, 7 topics onluy allowed Black and Devin to be a part of it. Speaking of Devin, sure she may be nice (though she has been a bitch to me >: Unintentionaly, maybe...) But I'm getting sick of her fanboys. They make it so her topics aren't ignored, but everyone else on RPOT are dead. I dunno just bugs me.

Not many people to talk to nowadays... Let's see. Nami (Takano)- She's who I talk to the most. >.> Not much else to say. She's in love with me but I'm not so sure about online relationships.

Mitchell- Not really sure about him. We talk at times, but he doesn't respond to ANYONE much...

PQ- She's rarely on YIM and not much to talk about with her nowadays. Not really sure if I'm that much of a friend.

Ruki- Still stalks me and all. >.>;

HHP- *Shrug* We talk occasionaly.

Frozen- Haven't seen him on....


Everyone else- Not much to say. I want to talk to them more, but... I can't start much coversations...

Yaaay the 28th. <.< Today I'm gonna talk about Staples. If it's a Sraple-Sraple or one of them Metaphorical kind, that's up to you to decide.

Little Staple A used to be a staple of F. But he got upset and, despite warnings not to, unstapled himself. Now he is a damanegd staple and none of the plain normal staples will talk to him. Furthermore, he cna't even staple himself to another place, since he is that dammaged. All he can do is hang around with other damnaged staples. Theeeee ennnnnddd.

29th~ Well, I learned a bit about PQ that I didn't know. ...'Course it wasn't FROM her but I figure that's only becuase we aren't to close of friends.

Kinda wish she WOULD talk to me about that stuff, though. I mean, I don't love her or havea crush on her again, but.... I thought we were better friends than that...

Ah well, Nami will tell me anything and I'd tell her anything, but I kinda wish I had MORE than one really close friend. D: Just... A stupid wish, though. I'm just a damanged Staple. :3