This is Magmma's Wiki!!!
So... Um... Beware!! I guess this is where i put the long and boring wall of text that no one really has the time to read because as it progresses even further they get bored because no one should enjoy something this boring, because if they do, then they have some problem, or else they are a lawyer because lawyers always make long and boring speeches and read every detail even if someone makes something this long to torture him just because they know that lawyers have to read every detail, so if you are a lawyer, then beware!!! becuase you have a lot of reading to do. Speaking of law (wow, that was one sentence) I am considering doing forensics as my career bercuaz itz cool and i sez so! Mayb i shud start mistipn evere thng so u hv a harde tiem reedn thiss nw mybe not becz its hard to typ lik maybe if you are still reading this than i shall entertain you for a bit because i am nice and i am Mike! that is my name by the way so wooty tooty flip bam booty lemon flamingo in the shoopdawhoop pan! (will continue later)