My name's Steve and I think you need to lighten up. :)
General Facts
I am a Mexican Mudkip currently livng in Scotland with an abundance of Black Scottish Cyclops.
I am currently jailed for being too damn awesome.
No, it might surpise you, but I'm not a /b/tard. :D
I am not willing to give any more information as I am currently being watched by government operatives trying to steal my bacon
I am well known for creating the best character ever in the universe cheers cheers cheers, spreadng lols, and being "Permanently" jailed twice.
I was once in the IUOS but I quit for reasons I won't mention since I don't want to.
I'm owner of the biggest and best group ever. But how did my group become so successful? Well, first I got a link and spammed it to high heavens, and then I got friends to get that link and spam it to high heavens. Clicking on said link would cause you to curse loudly and make you join my group. Welll, I guess this is a lesson. That could have been a shocker site, you dipshit. lern2checkurlinks
Steve and Mantis15 are havin sex in ur house
Steve and SuperYoshi3 are in ur planet, shroobifyin ur toadz
Steve and Mama Luigi are herd u liek mudkipz
RP Characters
Asplodin Fat Albrt Mudkip, most awesome and godlike character ever, created in a meteor colliding with a jar of kool-aid
I have been jailed by the Fun Police for being better than them in every way possible and ludicrously incredible and need somebody to break me out of jail with a spoon