Characters/Uzumaki Naruto

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Naruto Uzumaki.

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Sickest Member on Digibutter. Everyone wants to be like him cause he's awesome and doesn't fail at trolling. No he doesn't, cause he's aweosme like that.

Sickest Member Evah

He's awesome. COmpletely not annoying, and very liked. All the members loved him and were sad when he had to go. Everyone cried for days until they went emo. They then went even more emo and tore down the site. Later on after they butt fucked the site Nrto came back and everyone was happy. They revived the forums but then he left again after saying it was a ghey forum. Then everyone was liek "Oh shit son." and decided to leave. And thus the story of teh siiiiickest member to ever ecist is written.