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Revision as of 05:29, 1 September 2007 by Im>Frozenwinters
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Frozenwinters has been noted to be meddling in Luigi's mansion, and is also a member on DigiButter


Age: Chocolate :3

Species: Medallian

Affiliations: Luigi's mansion, Digibutter.nerr

Main Color: Light blue, to almost luminious

Joined: 30 August 2007

Element: Ice

Need to know information

Frozenwinters, otherwize known as Koori is most infamous for his random annoyingness.

He traveled all the way to Digibutter.nerr because, he was board of floating around with the other Medallian minions. The cold ghost, fears Luigi (Paper included), and resides to huddling in the corner sprinkling frozing air on the ground when ever in the same board as him.

Other information is so far Unknown, for the shear lack of intrest in himself from the nintedo company.

Company and such

Frozenwinters was placed into the world of Digibutter.nerr by Mona. He spends his days talking to Crystal, Mimi and Mona, while enjoying the excitement of forums, like Digibutter it's self.


Favorite Food: Anything that smells good Favorite Animal: Wolf Favorite Color: Light and Bright Blue Favorite Character: Ice Madallian Favourite Anime : Bleach Favorite Subject: Art Favorite Element: Ice~

Quick facts

Frozenwinters says cackle after every second sentance Frozenwinters sometimes resorts to third person, but only in shear boredom Frozenwinters is a unfamous character Frozenwinters spent most of his time with Vincent Van Goore In the Eighth grade Frozenwinters got most artistic of the year Frozenwinters is now in the ninth grade Frozenwinters sadly doesn't own a wii, but knows all about SPM On cold days, Frozenwinters is mos powerful