Chaos Dimentio

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"Just marvel at the schweet resolution on that pic!" - Chaos Dimentio

Chaos Dimentio's forum avatar.

Membership Status

Chaos Dimentio is the 299th member to join Digibutter, being the last one to register before the site entered its three-hundreds. He joined on July 3rd, 2007, just before Digibutter had its first Independence Day party. He works as a member of Digibutter's Moderation Staff to help maintain order in the community (the addition of new Moderators was announced on July 23rd by Francis, the site's Head Admin), and recently unleashed a legendary power that first emerged during the War of September 1st:

The Smash Ball!

(This led to an epic Roleplay Off-Topic battle that came to be known as The Chaos War)

Roleplay Characters

With the creation of one of Digibutter's most recent features, Role-Play Characters, Chaos Dimentio has formed the following three video game antagonists/protagonists as his most often-used RP Characters:

Lord Shadow.

Lord Shadow, CD's (Chaos Dimentio's) most serious and solemn character, who often speaks with harsh blatancy to others. He is unafraid to wield the power of Darkness, and wants nothing more than to keep all worlds safe from those that would use such power for evil.

Luigi, posing as the devious Mr. L.

Luigi/Mr. L, the green hero/villain duo that always seems to cause trouble, regardless of what state of mind he may be in at the moment. Luigi is cowardly at times, but still knows how to act the role of hero. Mr. L, who shares Luigi's fascination with the color green, happily plays the very opposite role: That of the mischevious villain, always throwing a wrench in Mario's plans.


Mario, the portly plumber and mascot of Nintendo that many of us all know and love. He possesses a strange obsession for pasta, which he seems to love mentioning constantly. He is almost always seen in high spirits, and he'll stop at nothing to make sure that the video game bad guys don't succeed in their vicious plans. He doesn't seem to recognize that Mr. L is actually his little brother, Luigi.


Black Twilight and Chaos Dimentio are AUSUM. NUFF SAID.

Pure-??? and Chaos Dimentio are partners in magic!

Yellow Magikoopa and Chaos Dimentio are the greatest things since sliced bread.

Chaos Dimentio and Hario are masters of colorful deception!

Chaos Dimentio and CBLuigi are about to throw PIE at you!

Chaos Dimentio and The Chaos Heart are made of pure, unadulterated WIN.

Zelnor and Chaos Dimentio are plotting evil together.

Light Prognosticus and Chaos Dimentio are rivals!

Miscellaneous Information

Chaos Dimentio's AIM screenname is StrGravity, and his MSN counterpart is His YouTube channel name is Jaradirt, and his personal DeviantArt account is titled ChaosDimentio.

The Friend Code for his Wii system (nicknamed 'Dimentio') is 4054 - 9757 - 1074 - 8404.