The Digipocalypse
In the Beginning....
The RP Off-Topic forum thrived with activity, randomness and hilarity. All members co-existed together peacefully, conflicts were minimal, posts were plentiful and new RP Characters spawned every day. It seemed as if nothing could corrupt the great RP Off-topic....however, on that 3rd day of October, 2007, a huge conflict would erupt taht changed the entire outlook of Digibutter...forever....
Without Warning...
Late into the 3rd day of October, 2007, Popple, renowned moderator for being IC ( In-Character ), stickied an unnerving topic in the unaware RP Off-Topic. The entire forum was shocked at the warning notice hanging above their heads. Many ignored the notcie, until, IT happened. The rule was enforced and impacted into the RP Off-Topic causing a massive earthquake to erupt, hurtling topics in random directions....the conflict had begun...
The Conflict