The Dump
The Dump was one of the 19 forums of, also being the spammiest. Post count didn't go up here, so Coins were not given, although one could lose coins by Necro-Bumping threads or Double Posting. Being the spammiest, many people posted stuff which could've lead them straight to Digibutter Prison. Many members enjoyed hanging out here when nothing else was going on. There were frequent flamewar attempts to break the forums.
Since General Discussion was getting so spammy, Francis made a forum where people could spam there heart out. However, after being abused with too much mature content, the dump was flushed, locked and hidden. It was then replaced with Off-Topic.
The explosion of The Dump was of course, created by Francis. but when he set the explosive, he didn't have enough time to get out, and was caught in the flames. after some time, he came back from the living dead to become Phrancis, a combonation of Francis and Phoenix, a legendary bird that rises from the ashes and cannot be killed. He then turned back to Francis, and everything was back to normal. At least, whatever IS normal for digibutter. An alternate theory is that Francis purposefully allowed coins in the dump to work members up into a posting frenzy, overloading the board and deleting it.