User talk:Animemangavg
Lol bored. So I'm typing this. Have a problem with it? It's the 27th of October, 2008.... Ad I'm at school. :3
I'm planning on how I'm gonna go about the Cedric Plot. I knw what to do, but HOW to... not so much.
Afterwards I dunno what to do. My friends keep getting upset on RPOT, so I don't want to stay there if theya re ignroed. I'm not on Digi much so I cna't post in their topics...
Funny how Occlet said "Less QQ more Pew Pew" when I said how some people are exclusive on RPOT, becuase he is the BIGGEST one that is that. His last, what, 7 topics onluy allowed Black and Devin to be a part of it. Speaking of Devin, sure she may be nice (though she has been a bitch to me >: Unintentionaly, maybe...) But I'm getting sick of her fanboys. They make it so her topics aren't ignored, but everyone else on RPOT are dead. I dunno just bugs me.
Not many people to talk to nowadays... Let's see. Nami (Takano)- She's who I talk to the most. >.> Not much else to say. She's in love with me but I'm not so sure about online relationships.
Mitchell- Not really sure about him. We talk at times, but he doesn't respond to ANYONE much...
PQ- She's rarely on YIM and not much to talk about with her nowadays. Not really sure if I'm that much of a friend.
Ruki- Still stalks me and all. >.>;
HHP- *Shrug* We talk occasionaly.
Frozen- Haven't seen him on....
Everyone else- Not much to say. I want to talk to them more, but... I cna't start much coversations...