The Factions Five
The Factions Five are a group of characters MsDevin92 invented in Guild Wars, and now uses in RPOT. The members are as follows:
Ramona Flashheart
A Geomancer/secondary Healing Monk. Ramona was tutored in her Elementalist training by Black Yoshi, and is one of his closest students and friends. She has dark hair and a tan, wears purple armor, and carries a defensive Earth staff.
Ramona, the daughter of an Elementalist who was taught at the Shing Jea Monastery and an Ascalonian scholar who came to live in Cantha, is a bookwormish young girl who enjoys being out in nature and working on her studies. She is rather socially awkward, however, and is an apologetic perfectionist who tends to be a bit hard on herself. Ramona is extremely close to her friends.
A long-standing enemy of Shiro Tagachi and the Lich Lord, she once had her soul sealed in a Shiro'ken construct due to the combined work of an Exuro-possessed Black and the Great Betrayer himself. Later, she was abducted by the Lich Lord and Shiro, and used as a vessel for the resurrection of the dark god, Abaddon. Thankfully, she was freed by Black and her friends.
She was the first character MsDevin created, using a name from when she played AdventureQuest. Also, she and Devin seem to share some sort of weird event-link, although, thankfully, they don't cause paradoxes upon meeting. (Eat your heart out, Tayl. *cough* >_> )
Flare Burgandy
An Assassin/secondary Pyromancer (ironic, as she tends to call Black a pyro at times). Flare was tutored in her Assassin training by Panaku, who it is rumored (and true, but not like she's gonna say it >_>; ) she has a crush on. She has dark red hair, and usually dresses in red and gray.
Flare spent her childhood in a relatively small, poor village, which was completely obliterated by a series of raids by the Crimson Skull. She was forcibly pulled into their ranks, and ran with them for a number of years until, during an encounter with Ramona and friends, she was cut free from the gang.
Due to her earlier experiences, Flare lives with the constant fear that everything in life is fleeting.
(Work in progress.)