The Brentron Incident
The Seeds Are Sown
It all started when Nastasia posted a topic in Feedback claiming that Goomba was 11. In the post was a link to a Nickelodeon forum thread where a user under the name Brentron (One of Goomba's more commonly used usernames) said that he was 11. The forum members were divided; one half sticking by Goomba and his claims that he was 15, while others found evidence in that chatrooms that Goomba was admitting to a few members that he was 12. The discussion became so big that the title on the forum banner became "Digibutter.nerr, and the mystery of the underaged". A small portion of the members suspected a modplot, but the prospect was ignored and eventually Goomba was declared innocent.
Brentron Rises
A few days later TSSG3 posted a chat between him and 'Brentron'. Brentron claimed that he was an expert hacker who had already destroyed 7 forums and that Digibutter would be his 8th. He also claimed that he had hacked Jr. Trooper's computer, using an IP swap in the Chat and flooding Jr. Trooper's inbox with hate mail. He also claimed that he had hacked Yena's computer. Both cases were confirmed by the users and several other members reported hacking.
Chaos Ensues
The entire Digibutter forum was thrown into a state of panic when Popple posted the Chat in an announcement in off-topic. Multiple flames flared up in seconds, and Digibackup was revived. Again, the members were divided; half claimed that it was a modplot - even though the mods had clearly and repeatedly claimed it was not - and the other half believed that the hacker existed, panicking and hiding wherever they could.
What happens now?
Digibutter is still panicking over this incident, and Francis has yet to confirm or deny the situation. All we know is that in a few days all will be revealed...
Disclaimer: I personally have no clue as to whether this is real or not. All information is based on my personal experience.--Gold Prognosticus 11:07, 27 March 2008 (UTC)