Shadow Kingdom

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Revision as of 21:06, 30 August 2007 by Im>Shadow Kingdom (→‎Legos)
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Shadow Kingdom joined Digibutter on August 4th, 2007, under the name Spell Seal. He quickly became well known. it was on this first topic he made that started a fear of Francis.

Name Change

On August 26th he changed his name to Shadow Kingdom. nobody really cared much about this name. Unlike some members, he did not ask anyone how they felt about him changing his name.


Shadow Kingdom is hopelessly addicted to Video Games, especially an MMORPG known as World of Warcraft. He enjoys puzzle games, and online games. Some of his favorites are Kingdom Hearts 2, Half-life 2, Super Paper Mario, and Elite Beat Agents. He is also one of the Digibutter members who was inspired by Crazy Cody to play mugen.


Say what you will, Shadow Kingdom enjoys playing with Legos. He has built many creations. Some of his greatest creations include a giant pyramid, made with every blue and yellow lego he owns. He currently plays a game based off legos called Return To Blockland. Unfortunately you can no longer download this game. RTB is not made by the company that makes Legos.


Shadow Kingdom travels alot, and has lost count of how many times he has moved. He has been inside the Saint Louis arch (yes you can go in there), the top of the Washington Monument (it has an elevator), and very little of the inside of the pentagon.


He likes music, especially rock. he loves the sound of a well played violin, and is currently taking lessons. His favorite songs Include Jumpin Jack Flash, Y.M.C.A, Canned Heat, and Surrender.


SK has no relationships currently, but is good friends with certain members currently.