Tayl is a member known for her leadership of T.H.I.E.F., use of P-P-P-PARADOX!, cash plx, and yay, monies~. She was previously known as Mona, which was her alternate account, but changed back to Tayl later on for various reasons. Tayl is also used as an RP Character.
Tayl is a fairly popular member. Most of her time is spent lurking around, sometimes posting in RP, RPOT, and OT. She used to be a frequent poster in YC and GD, famous for her various walls o' text, but has lacked the motivation to continue. Tayl also frequents the Cbox. As for site-plots, she tends to just be in the background, aside from The Attack of Candle Jack event, in which she used Mona to save the day.
While she rarely posts art of her own, Tayl's been drawn by other members multiple times, due to her simple structure and awesome-ness. I mean...cute-ness. Yes.
Also, Tayl definitely doesn't want to overthrow Francis and admin and rule over digibutter with an iron fist. Seriously.
As an RP Character
In RPOT, Tayl is notorious for stealing monies~ and causing paradoxes. Tayl doesn't get very involved in , with the exception of her cameos in the Oress Plot.
(Add yourself to the list.)
Chaos-Stev-0: A relativly new member who is very frequent in Digi. He is the one who has sprited a Tayl Chao for Tayl. He is currently working on making Tayl a Paper mario styled sheet for Tayl (if only you'd reply to that PM I maded, Tayl).