Back to School Partay
The Back to School Partay was held on September 1st, 2007. It was held to be a final moment of joy before we all had to return to that torturous place called school...
- Mona: Interviewer/Food Supplier
- Jr. Troopa: Pinata Basher. Lolz.
- Gemini: Zapping people
- Bootler: Coat Taker
- Frozenwinters: Keeping things frozen
- CBLuigi: Throwing pies at people.
- Jack: Throwing pies at people.
On September 1st, a few hours before the party, Mona held an interview with many members, to hear their thoughts on the partay. LordBlumiere was asked about his expectations of the Partay. He replied:
"'Ello, Count Bleck here. And Count Bleck thinks this party will be awesomesaucezums, and that a lot of people might be changing their names. Ahh, we shall see, we shall see, won't we? Bleh heh heh heh heh..." To this, Kabuto Yakushi replied:
"I agree, we shall be seeing quite a few name changes. Such as mine."
Soon Gemini B and NegaMew stirred up a conflict, containing something about stabbing not being creative. Gemini B replied to this by nailing NegaMew to a roadway, running him over in a monster truck, shooping a laser, and summoning Omega Tiger Woods. After the conflict, Possessed Mimi came around and threatened to as she described "SHOVE YOU ALL INTO TEH OCEAN AND LET FLIPPER WASTE YEW." if her Pixy Stix weren't returned.
CBLuigi and Jack came around to announce they would throw pies. CBLuigi also commented:
"I have a feeling that this party will be pure AWSUM."
Soon Possessed Mimi went insane, and was hypnotized by SpiderMew, but she ended up breaking free of it and ran off, concluding that.../epic/...scene.