MsDevin92 (sometimes called MsDevin or simply Devin) is a member of Digibutter who goes by the same moniker on several other websites, including DeviantArt,, and Gaia Online.
As evidenced by these website memberships, MsDevin92 is a fanartist and writer, and an avid roleplayer. She also enjoys video games.
As evidenced by the above, MsDevin92 has little to no social life off the Interwebs.
She is a massive Mario fan and has been described by her friends as a 'walking Wiki for Mario', able to practically recite entire plots, quote dialogue, and describe major charcters of each and every game she has played- and even some she has not. The Mario RPG games have earned a notably special place in her heart.
On Digibutter, MsDevin spends most, if not all, of her time on the Role-Play and RTOP forums.
As stated before, MsDevin92 is a fanfiction writer. Her current big project is 'Appositus Obscurum'.
Appositus Obscurum Status: Stucked. Cursed writer's block.
- Favorite color: Purple
- Birthday: October 19th; Sign: Libra
- Most-used phrases; 'awesomeness', 'luff', etc.
- Current RP alts: Fawful, Pique and Beau, Princess Daisy Sarasa.
- Current Special alt: Princess Peach Toadstool (Super Mario Galaxy)