The International Union of Sloopy

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Beileve it or not Hario came up with this idea. =P He made up all the rules and ranks and I just approved them and changed them up a bit.

Well anyways here it is...


1) You must be at least this sloopy to enter. 2) Rank will be determined by sloopiness. The more sloopy things you do, the more sloopiness you obtain. 3) it sank 4) The "File:Sloopy.gif" smiley must be used every hour, on the hour, or you will be forcefully ejected from the IUS with my foot up your ass. 5) penispenispenispenispenis 6) Our lord and savior is Raptor Jesus. To be part of the IUS, you must accept Raptor Jesus as your lord and savior. 7) See rule #6, but replace "Raptor Jesus" with David Bowie, and "lord" with messiah. 8 ) DO NOT ABUSE THE WORD SLOOPY!!! It brings phail and aids to sloopy and gives it cancer. Anyone caught abusing the word loses extra sloopy points. 9) DON'T SPAM File:Sloopy.gif if this topic gets locked again for File:Sloopy.gif spam I'm kicking your asses. D:<

Sloopy Ranks

0 Points: Unsloopy Person 1-10 Points: Torchslug 11-25 Points: Experienced Slooper 26-40 Points: Well-Aquainted Slooper 41-60 Points: Excellent Slooper 61-80 Points: Grand Master Sloopy 81-100 Points: Leever 101-125 Points: Sloopy Soldier 126-150 Points: Quartermaster General Sloopy 151-175 Points: Sloopy Brigader 176-200 Points: Warlord of Sloopy 201-250 Points: Lesser Sloopy Sage 251-300 Points: Elder Sloopy Sage 301+ Points: Invisible Goron


Goron Mask: Invisible Goron Hario: Invisible Goron LudwigVonKoopa: Invisible Goron YagamiMirror: Invisible Goron Arson: Invisible Goron Tyler: Quartermaster General Sloopy Flavio: Elder Sloopy Sage s-kill: Torchslug Dark Paratroopa: Elder Sloopy Sage MALAK: Invisible Goron Enigma: Invisible Goron Elzilcho: Warlord of Sloopy Flar3 Luigi: Sloopy Brigader Rasto: Elder Sloopy Sage Detective Gumhoe: Invisible Goron Logan: Lesser Sloopy Sage ShadowArticuno: Sloopy Soldier Cyper Mario: Warlord of Sloopy Sandslash: Lesser Sloopy Sage ? Block: Sloopy Soldier Twytch: Elder Sloopy Sage Sumakima Josindu: Sloopy Soldier Fireice: Torchslug slayer: Excellent Slooper Slim: Experienced Slooper Larry Koopa: Torchslug TMT: Torchslug Yoshiface12: Unsloopy person Pfargtl: Leever C.A.T: Invisible Goron CBLuigi: Leever


The Sloopy Bible: 1-1

And so, his Sloopiness, this "Goron doth invisible to the naked eye", had been poppin' back a few brews. His Sloopiness, as well as his divine sloopy roomates, David Bowie the wise, and Raptor Jesus the powerful, were poppin' some bags of the grass. Below them, underneath their sacred realm, which those who existed at that time knew simple as "Sloopovia", there lain the Earth, which at that time was pretty much just a big ball of water. His Sloopiness, as well as David Bowie and Raptor Jesus, were playing a round of Brawl one day, when a question among their holy discussion was raised; when they got bored, where would they vent their anger at the MACHIIIIIINE? Yey verily, they gazed upon the ball of water that lay below their realm of Sloopovia. It was vacant, without a shred of life within its ocean. They gazed upon it, and they muttered the holy words: "Hell, why not." And so, the three sloopy figures, their asses glowing with holy power, took their most ancient and mystical artifact, the "Lighter of Sloopovia", and respectively, they put it against all their asses at once. On the count of three, they all let out huge farts, and thus, the Earth became what it had become millions of years ago; The methane gas of David Bowie gave the land its shape, while the fart of Raptor Jesus gave the Earth climates and weather. His Sloopiness's fart, containing pure MAGIC and LSD, gave the Earth its many creatures and plantlife, carving volcanos into the crust, spawning rainforests for miles, and thus, the Earth was born.

The Sloopy Bible: 1-2


The Sloopy Bible: 2-1

One day in the wonderful land off Sloopovia, everyone was wasted high drunk sloopy, however one was so high wasted drunk sloopy he managed to pull off one of the most sloopiest things ever conceived... Here were his words...


He then proceeded to damage boosts epona over a fence with 1 piece of cheese while taking pictures of a legendary sloopy buttrfly only found in the pacific ocean if you dance like a retard cause the world to spontaneously combust while eating ice cream with one finger and making pie with your mom while only using a rock and a slice of lettuce when cleaning vomit off the floor with goron mask.

It was a day to remember...Oh and it also killed lotsa people due to cancer.

The Sloopy bible: 2-2

After a while, the sloopovians became bored with earth, and hosted a 9001 year long party involving cows, Brawl, and beer. As it happened, the first humans had children because his sloopiness told them to while he was gone. After that, Adam had a sex change and left to become a whore. Meanwhile, their children had a rivalry. One day the had a 500 month epic battle involving toasters and lotsa spaghetti. At the end, one lived and became king of Bagels and r-ped his mother. Eventually the gods finished their party, and went to see what happened while they left. On their way they saw the new sex changed Adam and therefore crowned her the king of sluts lol.

That sprung an idea. They needed to make the world's first pimp. So, using a condom and a coconut, they made another man who was the lord of pimps.

But then he died.

Sloopy Bible 3-1

One day, QWERTYASDFGZXCVB was bored. He held a sloopy meeting of every being in the world. He decided to invent three things: Sports, which needed the first sport. So he invented masturbation, and porn. Then he needed a sport fan. So he created lazy people

Sloopy Bible 3-2

It was a time of sloopy, but this would become an explosion of File:Sloopy.gif when the great Sloopcario was awakened!

A sloopy man approached the area where Sloopcario rested.

"WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER?", Sloopcario booms.

"It is I, the great ASDFGHJKL!"

Sloopy Bible 4-1

One day in the land of Off Topic there was a failure that walked the land, his name was . planned to make Off Topic into a sh!ttascular ferris wheel of phail. But however...the fellow sloopteers Sandslash, MALAK, Goron Mask and many others led by the legendary Sloopcario stood up to this tyrant of suck and attacked him in full assualt with there sloopyness, File:Sloopy.gif's and farts. was hopeless and died of AIDS and Sandslash's sloopy farts. It was a victory well rewarded.

Sloopy Bible 4-2

1nce a pond a tiem dere waz dis partay and sumone sed i r gon tuch ur pee pe. oololololoolololol

Sloopy Bible 5-1

once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away...

There were 3 sloops named Arson, Twytch, and Hario. They were but poor farm boys living on the barren outstreches of sloopovia, otherwise known as Iraqistanovania. These boys sought to find a better life outside of farmwork, and go down the path to enlightenment. Arson found himself to be a great, strong writer, Hario invented the first pinga, and Twytch found his skills in working with Metals, Gears, and many different Solids. With combined efforts, these three founded the very first sloopy church. Arson made many copies of such bible, Twytch made the building, out of many Metals, gears, and solids, and Hario helped spread word, giving many pingas to starving children and teaching the ways of sloopy.

They died in a car accident.

Sloopy Bible 5-2

Dr. Robotink was bored one day after being beat by Sonic somehow for the 93868683th time and needed something to do so the blue hedgehog didn't show up and ruin it. When he eventually did come up with an idea he spoke the famous line: "Tommorrow I'll invent the PINGAS!" And he did. It became so famous the IUOS allied with it. Later in the year 1969 Robotink opened the "American/Canidian/Mexican/Russian/Japanense college of PINGAS" and went on to make Pingas Dogs and their many recipes and types, Bratwurst Pingases, Polish Masturbation, Scratch (Also known as E-176 Phartegant), Mastubation, and Bikinis. So kids when you see a PINGAS, it came from Robotink.