Sync is... well, Sync. Originally known as MALAK, he's gone through quite a lot with the site, occasionally dropping out.
He began as an Oldfag returning from a who-knows-how-long break after getting WiFi, and getting the Internet Channel for his Wii. After browsing through an old board he returned to, he heard someone mention this site. It had been a while since he last played SPM, so it was a small blast from the past. He joined, scarcely posting at first. Eventually, he became a recognizable member, getting quite involved with the site. Along the way, he contributed various fads, went emo over various events, and left quite a few times.
Sync is currently off the site, and doesn't plan on coming back. This is due to the fact that he believe Digibutter to be a waste of time. He seems to have cut off all ties to Digibutter, save for darkzero and Crappy Blue Luigi.
- Anti-PETA
- S.L.O.O.P.Y
- Spriters-resource
- Digital Butterfly Photographers
- Cult of Personality
- Digibutter Advertiser's Group
- Place to put your topics for ads
- SOS Brigade
- Amazing Ad Land
- Teh Otakus
- RP Character Sheets
- Sync and Flavio are not giving a shit about you.
- Super Mario and Sync are Bowser's minions.
- Sync and Parabuzzy Queen are Bowser's minions.
RP Characters
- Mario
- Kirby
- Haruhi Suzumiya
- Kyon
- Mikuru Asahina
- Black Matter
- Zero
- His first attempt at a name change was -Mario-.
- Big fan of the Kirby series.
- He was a big thing for quite a while.
- He is an LPer at Youtube.
- He is MOLOK.
- The above statement is false.
- GTF away from Mikuru or I will kill you.